Universal Carrier

UK, Vehicle, 1940

ATT inf 7/6/5
ATT veh 5/4/3
Cost 8.00
Def 2/2
Speed 4

Gun Transport
This unit has the transport ability. It can carry non-large Artillery.

High Gear 1
If this unit makes its entire move along a road, it gets +1 speed.

Set Counter Offensive, 10/50 u


Special Abilities Errata & FAQ

Gun Transport

This unit has the transport ability. It can carry non-large Artillery.

Q: The French P107 Half Track's Gun Transport SA doesn't mention the restriction on carrying non-large Artillery. Has this changed?
A: It should have the standard wording for this special ability. It can't transport large artillery. We'll include that the next time the Clarifications document is updated. (From a post dated 1/6/10)

High Gear 1

If this unit makes its entire move along a road, it gets +1 speed.

Q: If a Vehicle with High Gear moves entirely on the road using its' High Gear ability and speed, does it get the road bonus?
A: Yes.

Q: Bicycle Troops get High Gear 2, so is the first movement along the road free? Can they move 4 along the road?
A: No, because bicycle troops are classed as Soldiers. Only Vehicles get the normal road bonus.


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