
Germany, Soldier, 1940

ATT inf 11/6/-
ATT veh 2/-/-
Cost 7.00
Def 5/5
Speed 1

Limited Range 2
This unit can attack only at ranges of 2 or less.

Close Assault 8
This unit has an attack value of 8 against Vehicles in its hex. This attack ignores cover.

This unit gets +1 on each attack die against disrupted and damaged units.

Set Contested Skies, 36/45 c


Special Abilities Errata & FAQ

Close Assault 8

This unit has an attack value of 8 against Vehicles in its hex. This attack ignores cover.

Q: Can a Solder perform a Close Assault while loaded on a Vehicle with Fighting Platform?
A: Yes. Close Assault can be used without dismounting, if the transport has Fighting Platform.


This unit gets +1 on each attack die against disrupted and damaged units.

Q: Does a unit with Ruthless get the +1 bonus against units with face-down Disrupted or Damaged counters?
A: No. Units only become "disrupted" and "damaged" when face-down hit counters are flipped over during the casualty phase.

Q: Does the wording of this special ability mean the target unit must be both disrupted and damaged or just has to be suffering from either disruption or damage?
A: You get the +1 bonus against units that are either disrupted, damaged or suffering from both conditions at the same time.

Q: Using an Oberleutnant, can I Angriff an SS Panzergrenadier into an enemy units' hex and gain a +2 on each attack dice if the enemy unit is either disrupted or damaged?
A: Yes. Assuming the enemy unit is either disrupted or damaged. You would get +1 from the

Oberleutnant's Angriff special ability and +1 for the SS Panzergrenadier's Ruthless special ability. You would only need to roll a 2 or higher to score a success.


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