"Red Devil" Captain

USA, Commander Soldier, 1942

ATT inf 8/6/-
ATT veh 2/-/-
Cost 7.00
Def 4/4
Speed 1

Close Assault 7
This unit has an attack value of 7 against Vehicles in its hex. This attack ignores cover.

Initiative +2

Units attacked by friendly Soldiers adjacent to this unit get -1 on cover rolls.

Set 1939-1945, 37/60 u


Special Abilities Errata & FAQ

Close Assault 7

This unit has an attack value of 7 against Vehicles in its hex. This attack ignores cover.

Q: Can a Solder perform a Close Assault while loaded on a Vehicle with Fighting Platform?
A: Yes. Close Assault can be used without dismounting, if the transport has Fighting Platform.


Units attacked by friendly Soldiers adjacent to this unit get -1 on cover rolls.

Q: Does the Pinpointer special ability have any range restrictions? Suppose I have a Red Devil Captain next to an 81mm Mortar. The Mortar attacks an enemy unit 16 hexes away. Does the Red Devil Captain need to see the target?
A: The only range limit on the Pinpointer SA is that he must be adjacent to the attacker. The target can be anywhere. The Red Devil Captain doesn't need to see the target, but the attacker does either by LOS or another unit spotting for it (in the case of indirect fire).

Q: If I use this ability and my friendly adjacent Soldier is in the same hex as an enemy unit that it is attacking, does the Pinpointer SA's -1 penalty stack with the -1 penalty incurred by being in the same hex as an attacker?
A: Yes. In this case, the enemy unit would get -2 on cover rolls for that attack.


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